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SoilTopia_Tablet Type Microbial Fertilizer

Our microbial-based products aim to improve agricultural and livestock management. SoilTopia and Nema300 enhance soil health and combat nematodes, while Water300 improves water quality. Odor300 effectively addresses odor issues, promoting sustainability.

Product Description

SoilTopia is a natural probiotic soil restoration product made of active microorganisms.
It not only regenerates soil microorganisms to their natural state, but also maximizes the absorption of soil moisture by activating the proliferation of soil microorganisms necessary for plant growth.
One effervescent tablet can restore soil up to 1,000M2, and can be applied to all plants (vegetables, grains, fruit trees, flowers, landscaping, and forests), and has the effect of increasing yield and shortening the harvest period.
It is simple to use and store, and has the advantage of strengthening plant roots and preventing diseases.

1. It is an eco-friendly product that iscompletely harmless to the human body.
2. Wrapped in aluminum packaging, it lastsfor 5 years.
3. Small and light, so it's good fortransportation and storage.
4. One tablet restores (improves) about 300pyeong(1,000 square meters) of soil.
5. It contains more than eight powerfulmicroorganisms, which maximize each effect.
6. Available in combination with nematoderemover (NEMA300) and general liquid ratio.
7. The good root development saves the useof nutritional supplements (liquid ratio).
8. You can make the soil better by sprayingit on the soil before formalization.
9. Can be used at any time even after theplanting.
10. It works well with any liquid fertilizer.